Two custom-size canvases

Exploring Different Canvas Textures: How Texture Affects Your Painting Style

As a painter, the choice of canvas texture can significantly influence your painting style and the overall outcome of your artwork. Different textures offer unique challenges and opportunities, allowing you to experiment with techniques and express your creativity in new ways. This article explores various canvas textures and how they can affect your painting style, helping you make informed decisions for your next artwork.

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social media icons on phone display

4 Strategies to Grow Followers on Social Media

Social media has become an essential tool for artists to showcase their work, connect with a global audience, and grow their careers. But, gaining followers can be challenging and doesn’t happen overnight. Here are five effective strategies to help you grow your social media following and build a vibrant online presence.

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Canvas paintings on easels

How to Manage Unsold Paintings: 5 Tips for Professional Artists

As a professional painter, unsold paintings can be a major concern. Whether due to market trends, shifting tastes, or other factors, every artist will eventually face the challenge of managing unsold inventory. Here are some practical tips to keep your collection fresh, engage potential buyers, and even create new opportunities from old works.

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Plein-air painting of people sitting on bench during daytime

How to Varnish Your Canvas Paintings: Expert Tips for Artists

Varnishing your canvas paintings is an essential step in preserving and enhancing your artwork. A well-applied varnish can protect your painting from dust, UV rays, and environmental pollutants, while also enriching its colors and providing a professional finish. Here are some expert tips on how to varnish your canvas paintings effectively.

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Small painting of an ocean wave

6 Tips to Make Paint Last on Canvas

Ensuring the longevity of your paintings is important for preserving your artistic legacy. Whether you are an amateur or a professional painter, taking steps to make your paint last on canvas is essential. Here are six tips that will help you achieve lasting results.

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4 Strategies to Combat Art Theft and Plagiarism

Art theft and plagiarism are significant issues that plague the art community. Whether you’re an amateur or a professional painter, the unauthorized use of your work can be both disheartening and financially damaging.

According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the global art theft industry is worth approximately $4 billion to $6 billion annually. This staggering statistic highlights the urgent need for artists to take measures to protect their work. Here, we discuss several strategies artists can employ to safeguard their creations.

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An interior designer styling a home

What Type of Artwork Do Interior Designers Look for in Austin, TX?

Austin, Texas, known for its vibrant culture and thriving arts scene, is a hub for interior designers who seek unique and compelling artwork to elevate their projects. For painters in Austin, understanding the types of artwork that resonate with local interior designers can open new opportunities for collaboration and sales.

Here’s a comprehensive guide to what interior designers in Austin are looking for and how you can cater to their needs.

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Assorted color paintings

Why Is It Important to Get Your Work in a Gallery? Here are 6 Reasons

For many artists, the pinnacle of success is seeing their work displayed in a prestigious gallery. While the art world offers numerous ways to showcase and sell artwork, securing a spot in a gallery remains a highly coveted achievement. Here are several compelling reasons why getting your work in a gallery is important.

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Woman viewing paintings in an art gallery

7 Strategies For Painters To Make Money Locally

Making a living as a painter can be both challenging and rewarding. For many artists, the dream is to sustain themselves solely through their art. While this may seem scary, there are several local opportunities for painters to monetize their work effectively. Here are some key strategies to consider.

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