Category: Art Marketing

social media icons on phone display

4 Strategies to Grow Followers on Social Media

Social media has become an essential tool for artists to showcase their work, connect with a global audience, and grow their careers. But, gaining followers can be challenging and doesn’t happen overnight. Here are five effective strategies to help you grow your social media following and build a vibrant online presence.

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Canvas paintings on easels

How to Manage Unsold Paintings: 5 Tips for Professional Artists

As a professional painter, unsold paintings can be a major concern. Whether due to market trends, shifting tastes, or other factors, every artist will eventually face the challenge of managing unsold inventory. Here are some practical tips to keep your collection fresh, engage potential buyers, and even create new opportunities from old works.

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An interior designer styling a home

What Type of Artwork Do Interior Designers Look for in Austin, TX?

Austin, Texas, known for its vibrant culture and thriving arts scene, is a hub for interior designers who seek unique and compelling artwork to elevate their projects. For painters in Austin, understanding the types of artwork that resonate with local interior designers can open new opportunities for collaboration and sales.

Here’s a comprehensive guide to what interior designers in Austin are looking for and how you can cater to their needs.

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Woman viewing paintings in an art gallery

7 Strategies For Painters To Make Money Locally

Making a living as a painter can be both challenging and rewarding. For many artists, the dream is to sustain themselves solely through their art. While this may seem scary, there are several local opportunities for painters to monetize their work effectively. Here are some key strategies to consider.

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person holding dollar bills

Monetizing Your Art Online: A Guide for Painters

In today’s digital age, artists have a wealth of opportunities to make money online. The internet offers a vast marketplace where painters, both amateur and professional, can showcase their work and reach a global audience. Here are several strategies to help you start monetizing your art online.

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Art show

How to Get Your Art into a Gallery: A Guide for Artists

Getting your art into a gallery is a significant milestone for any artist. It validates your work, exposes it to a broader audience, and can lead to increased sales and recognition. Here are some essential steps and tips to help you achieve this goal.

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painter using smartphone

How to Balance Online and Offline Presence for Painters

In the contemporary art world, balancing an online and offline presence is much desired by painters who want to promote their artworks and art business effectively. Both spheres offer unique advantages that, when combined, can significantly enhance a painter’s visibility and success.

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Couple of people viewing paintings

10 Tips How Painters Can Attract Art Collectors

Getting artwork into the collections of art collectors and buyers can be a huge milestone for any painter. While the art world is competitive, there are several practical and doable strategies to increase the chances of success. Here are some tips:

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How Painters Can Build a Loyal Fanbase: 7 Tips for Lasting Connections

Building a loyal fanbase is essential for any painter aspiring to gain recognition and sustain a successful career. While creating captivating art is important, connecting with your audience on a personal level can transform casual admirers into devoted fans.

Here are some tips to help you start and cultivate a loyal following.

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