Tagged: oil painting

Learn the Oil Painting Technique: Underpainting and Glazing


It is an initial layer of paint that will serve as a foundation and help define subsequent layers of paint for your painting. Underpaintings are usually monochromatic which reflects light through the over-painting layers and gives a painting the luminosity. There are several different methods of underpainting were used by the old masters.



underpainting effect

· Grisaille
Pronounced as “griz-eye” this is a method of underpainting with different gray paints.

· Verdaccio
It is a method of underpainting with colors of olive or green gray paint in the light areas. It often resembles a moonlight effect.

· Imprimatura
This underpainting method usually uses transparent layers of earth colors (ra umber or burnt umber). It is used as first stain to tone the canvas.

· Wash-in Underpainting
A variation of the Imprimatura underpainting. The subject or composition can be drawn into a thin semi-transparent layer of raw umber or burnt umber. Rags, paper towels and paint brushes are used to lift out the paint exposing the lights to illuminate the subject.


Glazes can change the hue and texture of a surface. Drying time will depend on the amount and type of paint medium used in the glaze. Different media can increase or decrease the rate at which oil paints dry. Oil paits usually takes longer to dry. If a paint is too opaque, painters will add special media or a lot of medium to the paint making them more transparent for the purposes of glazing. Glazing has the strongest impact on showing middle tones and dark colours.

Reproduction of Girl with a Red Hat by Jan Vermeer
Glazed reproduction of “Girl with a Red Hat” original by Jan Vermeer

Here are some tips on how to glaze oil paintings.

· Begin the oil painting as usual by sketching and putting visual resources as necessary, but do so as though the painting were going to be complete in one layer.

· Once completely dry, after a week or so, begin the next layer of paint. The glazes will soften the colours and deepen the tones. Each “glaze” slightly modifies the colour of what has already been painted on the canvas. When you look at it the colours are automatically mixed optically giving a rich deep colour.

· Putting a little linseed oil into the oil paint will create a translucent colour. Oil paint comes in transparent, semi-transparent, and opaque and you will learn which is which the longer you paint with oils. All paint colours can be used as glazes, even opaque paints, used as glaze to paint mist or fog.

· Apply the oil paint glaze onto selected areas. A second layer of slightly darker colour will deepen the colour without changing it completely.

Image source: www.easy-oil-painting-techniques.org

Most Famous Women in Paintings in the World Part 2

NPG 2082; Queen Elizabeth I by Unknown artist
The Darnley Portrait

Yesterday, I listed the women who were immortalized through paintings by famous artists. Now is the second half of this list.

6. The Darnley Portrait (circa 1575) by Unknown Netherlandish artist
The Darnley Portrait became the official template or face pattern of England’s Queen Elizabeth I in the 1590s. This portrait was constantly reused for all of the Queen’s official paintings in the said period. It shows the Queen with her crown and scepter, the symbols of sovereignty.

7. Girl with a Pearl Earring (circa 1665) by Johannes Vermeer
The Girl with a Pearl Earring is an oil on canvas masterpiece by Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer. It is considered the “Mona Lisa of the North” and the “Dutch Mona Lisa.” As with Vermeer’s other works, the true subject of this painting is unknown. There are several theories as who is the girl in the painting and many say that it is Vermeer’s eldest daughter Maria Magdalena.

8. Fritza von Riedler (1906) by Gustav Klimt
Gustav Klimt mainly painted with women as subjects and one of his paintings is Fritza von Riedler. It is one of the first portraits that Klimt created which shows a woman who is sitting and is adorned with frothy lace in her gown and satin ribbons on her head. The painter filled the canvas with decorative elements, similar to the Portrait of Adele Block-Bauer. Not much is known about the woman behind the painting but it is one of his most famous paintings.

9. L’Arlésienne: Madame Joseph-Michel Ginoux (1888-89) by Vincent van Gogh
The subject of Vincent van Gogh’s L’Arlésienne painting was Marie Ginoux, the owner of the Café de la Gare in Arles, France where the painter lived for a few months. Van Gogh created several versions of the painting which depicts Marie seated at a table with books. The first version was painted on burlap and the second version was on a pre-primed canvas and instead of books, Van Gogh put a parasol and gloves in the painting.

10.Portrait of Madame X (1884) by John Singer Sargent
The Portrait of Madame X, also known as Madame X, is a portrait of a young socialite Virginie Amélie Avegno Gautreau, wife of Pierre Gautreau. The subject was in a standing pose with her head turned to the left, creating a profile. The painting created a scandal among the Parisian elites as it showed the socialite in a low-cut black satin dress, unflattering white make-up, and one dress strap hanging off one shoulder.
Image source: http://www.npg.org.uk/

Most Famous Women Paintings in the World Part 1

Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci

With unlimited subjects and inspiration in the world, famous artists at some point in their careers have created paintings of women. Here’s a list of the most famous of them all:

1. Mona Lisa (1503-1519) by Leonardo da Vinci
Who doesn’t know the Mona Lisa? The woman’s identity is still a mystery and there are different speculations made about the painting’s subject, including that it’s Leonardo da Vinci in female form. But the most accepted and highly plausible explanation is that the Mona Lisa is the portrait of Lisa Gherardini, the wife of Francesco del Giocondo who may have commissioned the art. Many are fascinated with this masterpiece because of the subject’s ambiguous expression, subtle forms, and illusionism. Also, the Mona Lisa was stolen from the Louvre Museum in Paris, emphasizing the piece’s value and its importance in art history.

2. Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I (1907) by Gustav Klimt
The Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I is oil, silver, and gold on canvas. It is one of the most expensive paintings sold in 2006. The portrait depicts Adele Bloch-Bauer, the wife of a wealthy industrialist, Ferdinand Bloch-Bauer who commissioned the art. Klimt used the Jugendstil style, also known as the Art Nouveau, in creating the portrait.

3. Dora Maar au Chat (1941) by Pablo Picasso
This painting depicts Pablo Picasso’s lover, Henriette Theodora Markovitch, also known as Dora Maar. It shows the subject sitting on a chair with a small cat on her shoulders. It is one of the world’s most expensive paintings, being  sold at $95.2 million and currently valued at $109.5 million.

4. Whistler’s Mother (1871) by James McNeill Whistler
The original name of Whistler’s Mother is Arrangement in Grey and Black No.1 and it is displayed at the Musée d’Orsay in Paris. It is one of the most famous works of an American artist outside the US and is considered an American icon. The woman in the oil painting is of the painter’s mother sitting since she got uncomfortable posing while standing for long periods.

5. Portrait of Gala (1931) by Salvador Dalí
The Portrait of Gala depicts Salvador Dalí’s wife, Gala Dalí. The painter adored his wife who acted as his business manager and he said that she saved him from madness and untimely deaths. Unlike the previous paintings of Gala, this portrait lacks the usual sympathetic and adoring images of his wife due to Gala’s extramarital affairs which left him insecure.

Image source: www.britannica.com

Different Types of Brushes in Oil Painting

Aside from canvas, paintbrush is one of the most important material an artist has to have. You have to have good brushes with you to create good paintings. Even a good painter cannot come up with wonderful pieces is he’s using bad brushes so make sure you have good brushes with you. For oil painting, a good brush will retain its shape when dipped in paint, will bend in each stroke, and return to its original shape after each brush stroke.

Brush Hair
Oil painting brushes are available in bristle and sable hairs. Bristle brushes come from pigs’ hair and are used to begin a painting. The bristles are strong and the tips are naturally split, allowing the brush to hold more paint. Use bristle brushes which are half an inch wide or wider. Sable brushes are soft-haired brushes made from the hair of the tail of a sable marten which are a bit expensive. These brushes are perfect for painting details and small areas.

There are also brushes using synthetic hairs which are also cheaper than brushes with natural hair. If you are against using animals in your art, use synthetic brushes for your peace of mind.


Brush Shapes
Brushes come in different shapes. The most common shapes are: Flats, Filberts, Brights, and Rounds. Other shapes are the Fan, Angle, Mop, and Rigger. Each brush is used for a variety of techniques in applying paint.

Flat brush. A flat brush has long bristles arranged in a rectangular shape. It is a primary blending brush and used for spreading paint quickly and evenly on a canvas. It is considered as the most versatile among the brushes.

Filberts. A Filbert is a flat brush with an oval shape. It is used in blending and creating areas with softer edges. Many artists have advised on using filberts with natural hairs since the hairs stick together better when wet.

Brights. Brights are flat brushes but with shorter and stiff hairs than flats. Use this brush if you want your strokes to show in the painting. It is used in thinner painting styles and also, thicker applications of paint such as impasto.

Rounds. Rounds are brushes with a pointed tip which provides little variation in the size and shape of the brush stroke. It is used for painting small details and line work.

Fan. As the name suggests, a Fan brush is shaped like a fan. It is used in blending large areas, creating soft blends of several colors. It can also be used to soften brush strokes on the canvas.

Angle. Angle brushes have short bristles and longer ones at one end, creating an angular shape. It can be used for general application of paint as well as detail work.

Mop. Mop is a large brush with a rounded edge. Larger sized Mops look like a blush-on brush which are great in broad soft paint application.

Rigger. A Rigger is a round brush with long hairs used in painting delicate lines and dots.

Image source: www.emptyeasel.com

How to Choose Quality Canvas for Painting

Artists have used several materials of canvas in painting such as linen, jute, hemp, or cotton. Nowadays, linen and cotton are the most popular fibers in canvas. Linen is more expensive compared to cotton and is often used by professional artists who have years of experience in perfecting their craft. For beginners, a cotton canvas is more appropriate since it is less expensive.

When choosing a canvas, you must consider these two important factors: the support and ground. Support is the material where paint is applied while the Ground is the gesso or primer. These two are important to the success or failure of your painting. The support and ground are determined by the type of paint and method of applying the paint. For example, if you are using a staining technique in painting, when you do it on a raw canvas, it will give a different result when you do the same technique to a primed canvas.

The Support
Choose a canvas that offers strength and stability, depending on your needs for a certain project. As you paint, the support will have to undergo much movement and stress from the environment such as temperature, humidity, and constant stretching/restretching.

Canvas is available in different weights: lightweight (4-5 oz),  medium weight (7-10 oz), and heavyweight (18 oz) per square yard. Support with lower weights are not as smooth or sturdy as heavier weights. Medium weight is a good weight for painting since it gives good support to your painting.

The Ground
Why ground is important in a canvas?

  • Protection of support. Ground protects your canvas from being damaged by harmful ingredients in paint. Natural fibers such as cotton absorbs moisture and when the paint dries, it will release this moisture, causing swelling and shrinking of the canvas. If you are using oil, the fibers will absorb its moisture, leaving the surface brittle.
  • Adhesion of paint. A properly primed canvas allows sufficient adhesion of paint to the support. A correctly primed canvas should accept paint and give a degree of absorbency. Too much absorbency can soak up all the oil from the paint while a non-absorbent ground can leave a weak paint film that can be peeled off. Good thing, pre-primed canvas is available online and in art supply shops.
  • Color enhancement. If your project involves transparent painting technique, the ground provides a white background that intensifies the colors. Ground is useful when you are underpainting, or applying the first layer of paint to a canvas.

A chosen canvas varies depending on an artist’s needs. Some may use raw canvas, pre-primed, or a heavyweight canvas. Keep in mind that whatever canvas you choose, it has a big effect on the outcome of your painting.

Top 8 Most Famous Paintings of Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890), a Dutch post-impressionist painter, produced hundreds of paintings of a variety of subjects: self-portraits, portraits, cypresses, flower orchards, flowers, and wheat fields. Van Gogh is considered as one of the greatest painter in history. With many paintings under his belt, I’ve listed some of the famous pieces Van Gogh did in his lifetime.

Starry Night (1889)

1. Starry Night (1889). This is an oil on canvas painting portraying the night scene of the village of Saint-Rémy-de-Provence outside his sanitarium room. Probably the most iconic among all Van Gogh’s works, a song was even composed in reference to the painter and this painting.

2. Bedroom in Arles (1888). Also known as The Bedroom, this painting depicts Van Gogh’s bedroom while he was in Arles, Bouches-du-Rhône, France. There are three authentic versions of this painting which he began in 1888 and the third version was finished in 1889. He used bold colors in yellow, blue, and brown, the painting shows his trapezoid room, including the furniture and painting inside the room.

3. Sunflowers (1888). One of Van Gogh’s subjects in painting is flowers, including sunflowers. He may have painted several sunflowers but no two paintings are the same. Bright colors are used in these paintings, contrasted by the colors of wilted or dying sunflowers.

4. Cafe Terrace at Night (1888). This is an oil painting on an industrially-primed canvas done in Arles, France. It depicts a popular cafe in Arles at night. Van Gogh used colors for the cafe and contrasted it by blue and black colors to portray the rue du Palais. This painting is displayed at the Kröller-Müller Museum in Otterlo, Netherlands.

5. Portrait of Dr. Gachet (1890). One of the most expensive paintings in the world, and the highest price paid at a public auction, Portrait of Dr. Gachet protrays the doctor who took care of Van Gogh during the final months of his life. It shows Dr. Gachet sitting at a table while his head is resting on his right hand.

6. Almond Blossoms (1890). This is a series of several paintings on blossoming almond trees. Van Gogh enjoyed painting flowering trees as it symbolizes hope. This painting is located at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam.

7. Irises (1889). Van Gogh painted Irises when he was living at an asylum in France, before he experienced his first attack. He used unusual angles and strong outlines which is typical of a Japanese called ukiyo-e woodblock prints to depict the blooming irises.

The Mulberry Tree (1889)

8. The Mulberry Tree (1889).  The Mulberry Tree was painted a year before Van Gogh’s death. It depicts a tree growing out of a rocky land. His inspiration was the mulberry tree outside the asylum.

Image source: http://www.vangoghgallery.com

Abstract Expressionism in the 1950s and Famous Works

Abstract expressionism is an art movement that boomed after World War II, during the 1940s and 50s. It is the first American art movement that influenced the international art scene. The name came from the German Expressionists which is known for emotional intensity and the European abstract schools such as Futurism and Cubism. The movement is known for its spontaneity, energy, and messiness. Works done in the movement show an unconventional application of paint, loose writing, and colors that create tension. Paintings do not show recognizable subjects, instead, you’ll see colors, textures, lines, forms, and mixed media.

No. 5, 1948 by Jackson Pollock

The years prior and during the World War II, European artists took refuge in the United States. Paris, previously the center of the world’s art culture, was damaged after the war and New York replaced Paris as the art capital of the world. Most artists in this movement live in New York, giving the movement another name, The New York School. They created new ways of applying paint on canvas, such as Jackson Pollock’s “drip” technique, Willem de Kooning’s “Action painting,” and Mark Tobey’s “white writing.”

Famous Works

No.5, 1948 by Jackson Pollock
Jackson Pollock is one of the most influential artist in the Abstract Expressionist Movement. His No.5 painting is the second most expensive painting in the world and is considered as the best example of artworks in the movement. Pollock drizzled yellow and brown paints over the fiberboard, using his emotions take the lead of how the paint was put on the canvas.

The Liver is the Cock’s Comb (1944) by Arshile Gorky 
Founder of the 1920s cultural movement called Surrealism, André Breton considered this painting as “one of the most important paintings made in America.”

The Gate (1959-60) by Hans Hofmann 
Hans Hofmann painted The Gate from 1959-60. The painting is part of a series inspired by architectonic volumes. Hofmann painted rectangles in several bold colors which may seem subjectless but studying the piece, you will see that the relationship among the shapes in the painting resembles a gate as stated by the title.

Painting Number 2 by Franz Kline

 Woman Series (1950-52) by Willem de Kooning 
In the 1950s, Willem de Kooning, a famous “action painter,” exclusively painted women as subjects. He used strong brush strokes and high-key colors which produced blatant images of women. The paintings exaggerated the features of women such as huge limbs, big eyes, and toothy snarls.

Painting Number 2 (1952) by Franz Kline 
Franz Kline is best known for his paintings in black and white. Many think that his pieces are influenced by the Japanese calligraphy but he denied it.

Image source: www.wikipedia.org

Best Online Art Galleries for New Artists

1. gallerytoday.com
They have been in the business since July 2003 and have been connecting buyers and collectors with artists all over the world. They sell masterpieces of famous artists but don’t get intimidated. They are open to newbies and can help you find your niche.

Image source: http://www.gallerytoday.com
Image source: http://www.gallerytoday.com

2. art-3000.com
This online gallery is open for all artists and photographers who wanted to showcase and sell their work of art. They started as a small group of artists and decided to invite other artists to join them and created a network of various artists, buyers and enthusiasts. Registration is free and they do not charge commission on sold artworks. How cool is that?

3. saatchionline.com
Saatchi online is derived from London’s famous Saatchi Gallery. They created this to allow artists to display their work to art lovers even if they are in different parts of the world. It also serves as a support group for artists who are aiming for international audience.

4. newbloodart.com
Founded by fine arts graduate and art tutor, Sarah Ryan in 2004, newbloodart.com was created to help emerging artists sell their masterpieces to the general public. This online gallery also serves as a tool for the founder to communicate with other artists most especially with the young and new ones to help them, in a way or another, to launch their careers.


Stompin' At The Savoy by Shelly Bedsaul Image source: http://www.ebsqart.com
Stompin’ At The Savoy
by Shelly Bedsaul
Image source: http://www.ebsqart.com

5. annameenaghanart.com
Created by a contemporary artist, she believes that art should be accessible to anyone and that it ought to be talked about. This free online gallery welcomes all kinds of artists to display their artwork in her website and sell them without any commission. The website is also very interactive wherein clients can leave comments and can personally get to know the artists.

6. ebsqart.com
ebsqart is the social media for artists. Aside from a portfolio site, this online gallery also serves as an online community for artists wherein they share opportunities and even new skills. This is a site where famous and new artists merge and talk about their passion for art. Various artists around the world can freely showcase their work on the site where art lovers can easily browse on them.

5 Marketplace to Sell Your Canvas Art Reproduction

Thomas Kinkade Original landscape oil painting ( Natures Paradise ) Art print reproduction on canvas wall decor  Photo credit: www.aliexpress.com
Thomas Kinkade Original landscape oil painting ( Natures Paradise ) Art print reproduction on canvas wall decor
Photo credit: www.aliexpress.com

Recreating famous painting is very challenging. You have to capture every detail even the style and brush stroke to make it almost incomparable to the original painting. This will make your reproduction stand out and more convincing to buy. But where can you really sell your reproductions? Here are some suggestions that can help you find your potential buyers.


1. Annual Fair
Let’s just say you don’t have the money to rent an art gallery or to pay for registration fees for exhibits and competitions, don’t be discouraged but be resourceful instead. Why not showcase your artwork during your local annual fair? It’s the best time to attract local patrons and a great way to let your community know that there’s a budding artist in the neighborhood. This might not give you the big break you are waiting for but it’s a good start. Don’t you think?

2. Online Art Galleries
Online art galleries are readily available throughout the internet. Aside from it’s easy to join, it’s also more affordable than setting up your own website. These websites can provide exposure of your recreations to collectors that frequently visit their site. Remember that you will be dealing with financial transactions with these websites as well so choose the most trusted.

3. Local Gift shops/Souvenir Shops
You might think it’s not a good idea to display your artwork in a gift shop or a souvenir shop but think of the possibility that a tourist or someone looking for something extraordinary to buy for a gift may enter the door. Find a shop that sells other quality items and with a great ambiance to match the quality of your artwork.

4. Join Art Exhibits and Competitions
Remember, exposure is the key. Joining these events puts your art in front of a variety of audiences. A lot of artists got their first break through these exhibits and competitions even if they were not a winner. But winning an award has its advantages for you will have something to add to your profile which proves the quality of your work.

Art market in Budapest www.budapesttimes.hu
Art market in Budapest

5. Art Galleries and Museums
You have done your efforts to reach potential clients in all walks of life. Now, it’s time to get noticed by the “cream of the crop”. Having your paintings displayed in an art gallery is a dream come true for a new artist. This will allow you to meet other artists and enthusiasts that can give you feedbacks and can even help you expand your client lists. To have your work displayed in an established gallery helps establish class and reputation of your precious artwork.
Creating and selling art reproductions will always have its pros and cons. Be ready for critics who will scrutinize your work but don’t let negative word get in the way. Remember that it’s all part of being a budding artist.

Best Online Art Markets to Sell Paintings

Moonlite and Hare

With the digital age, canvas artists are now harnessing the power of technology to start their art business. Finished paintings are professionally photographed and uploaded to an online art gallery to hopefully interest potential buyers and generate sales. With hundreds of online art galleries and auctions out there, here’s a list of the best of them to help you start.

Artmajeur. Artmajeur is one of the largest finest art gallery in the world, featuring the best contemporary artists. Established in 2000, it displays over 2 million original pieces and has sold over 150,000 art works. You can sign up for free and start networking with other artists. Artists in Artmajeur are ranked by popularity using visitors’ and page views. (www.artmajeur.com)

Artnet. Artnet offers a wide range of information and transaction services for artists. It has an extensive collection in its database of Fine Art, Design, and Decorative Art which provides information on the market and pricing trends. The site features 1,700 galleries around the world and displays 170,000 art works. (www.artnet.com)

Artsy. Artsy features artworks from famous galleries, museums, foundations, and private collections worldwide. It displays the largest collections of contemporary pieces and it aims to make world art accessible to the people. (www.artsy.net)

Artspace. Artspace is an online platform for fine art and design, featuring an extensive selection of curated artworks from leading museums and artists around the world. It aims to help people discover and collect fine pieces of art. (www.artspace.com)

Artwanted. Artwanted is a large network of artists and online galleries. It serves as a community and a place for selling artworks. The site promotes members and gives informative feedback on their work, helping artists to hone their craft. (www.artwanted.com)

Fine Art America. Fine Art America is the leading marketplace for buying and selling artwork around the world. It provides various sales and marketing tools to help artists build their brands. (www.fineartamerica.com)

Deviantart. Deviantart is the world’s largest online community for artists in various genre. The site primarily caters to contemporary artists from fan art, digital art to animation but it also offers its services to painters. It has over 25 million members and artists can submit their works and connect with other members. (www.deviantart.com)

Etsy. Etsy is an e-commerce website launched in 2005 where artists can sell their works. It is a bustling marketplace where you can buy and sell handmade and vintage items, including paintings in different medium and even art supplies. (www.etsy.com)

Imagekind. Imagekind displays millions on canvas art, framed wall art, and photos. It is a platform where artists can share and create their works and buyers can purchase museum-quality framed art. (www.imagekind.com)

Paddle8. Paddle8 is an online auction site, giving artists and buyers a platform for transacting business. It offers low-cost themed auctions, getting 6% commission from artists and 12% from buyers. It also offers benefit auctions for non-profit institutions. (www.paddle8.com)

Zhibit. Zhibit offers user-friendly tools which help artists create their own websites, build their art business, and connect with other members in the community. It offers the lowest rates, for as low as $49/year, in its subscription plans. (www.zhibit.org)

Image source: www.fineartamerica.com